Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Village of Peace

Since the last post, a lot has happened but I'll just keep it all short and sweet. The pictures can show some of the story. We helped out at a church service and sang a song in Pohnpeian and performed a skit. We've had two outreaches since then with loads of dancing, singing, hanging out and getting to know the locals. 

We also went to a Village called Peace. All I can say is that it was the most amazing time I've had while here and possibly one of the best weekends of my life. The love that the people showered on us was so humbling. They would wake up at 4 AM after having just gone to bed around 1 in order to make us food. They would pass up eating themselves and would spend all over their money to take care of us. Clothes were given to us as gifts and I have never experienced a sense of family as I did there. All the families lived together and everyone shared everything with one another. It looked as though they had nothing, but they were abundantly rich in things that are priceless. Every person we prayed for was healed including: back pains, swollen limbs that couldn't be moved, a leg grew out, the blind could see, deaf ears were opened, chest pain was taken away, and plenty more that I can't share here. The best part was we had children pray for the majority of the healings.

Side note, we've been having gold dust appear all over the place lately. It's been showing up on people's shirts, computer screens, books, guitars, hands, faces, and I too had it first appear on my hand. What a fun little treat.

Our group welcoming people to church

People receiving the love of God

Lady had her leg healed

This woman couldn't bend her neck until we prayed

Her leg grew out after we prayed and alleviated her hip and back pain

Always a good time for a coconut

Played tag with these kids for awhile 
My adopted brothers 

All the village kids sang to us while we ate

More food than I could handle

Preaching at night where loads of people were filled with joy and healed

The village elder

Our tribe and the village

Our translator and a wonderful leader

After we received our gifts

We had an eating contest of five pancakes. We both defeated the beasts. None others dare to attempt.
I have had such an amazing time down here and within the next 10 days I'll be heading to Bangkok for the next steps.

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