Sunday, September 15, 2013

Life Unplugged

This last week has been more than I could have ever imagined. 

A handful of us went on a scouting mission to scope out some rock climbing routes and get a good hike in. The hike ended up being quite extreme and I had brought about 40 pounds worth of climbing gear on my pack on the chance we'd be able to climb. As it turned out, we had to do a strenuous hike and there was a climb involved as well that we didn't quite have to rope off to. Part of the hike we had to hold on to a rope and use our feet as friction to climb sideways.  The view at the top was stunning. 

My group this weekend explored the island of Pohnpei. We visited some old Japanese bunkers and artillery stations from World Was II. 

We hiked up the other side of the mountain I hiked earlier in the week, Sokehs. 

That night we ate some sea turtle which was kept alive all day so it would be freak to cook... Some of the locals ripped out the heart and took a bite out of it just as it was killed. A bit barbaric for my liking. Doesn't taste half bad though. 

We visited a river that is where the locals worship eels. We placed some chum in the water and a bunch of large eels swam upstream to come feed. 

We had another long hike over multiple river crossings, through the jungles of Jurassic Park, and eventually ended up at a beautiful waterfall where we could do a 35ft cliff jump which of course I had to do a few times. 

Of course I figured out a way to swim against the current of the waterfall and climb up it only to jump again. Glorious! And only banged up one of my knees. Not shabby. 

Here's a picture of the prehistoric jungle. 

Our last stop was Nan Madol which is the site of 1000 year old ruins that was made with rocks not native to this island at all. Legend holds it that wizards flew the giant black boulders across the ocean. The front three stones of one of the temples are all magnetic and the only ones there as well so compasses go berserk when there. All of the walls of the buildings are aligned perfectly with the four cardinal directions. 

And just before writing this I had one of my life long dreams occur. I was blessed enough to scuba dive all day out here on the Great Barrier Reef. We went to Manta Road to dive but sadly saw no mantas. I'm so fortunate to be in a place where I can have multiple dreams that have been birthed come to fruition. 

This next weekend we'll be going up the largest mountain here and doing mountain survival. Can't wait for the next adventure. I can't describe how much I feel as though I'm in my element and with like minded people. 

This week I also bought my plane ticket for Thailand following this school. As of now there will be at least a handful of us for sure going but I feel as though there will be several more. 

Much love from the second rainiest place on earth. 

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